Rajesh Verma Bhagalpur

As per census 2011, BIHAR is an underdeveloped state. Due to covid people have gone through enormous amount of change and when things were a bit easy for the people of bihar a new disaster that came up was flood due to heavy rain. Youngest Deputy Mayor Bihar has faced a huge loss when it comes to the death of people and people of bihar have suffered a lot. Firstly because of the pandemic everybody's life has gone through a major downfall and the number of deaths were ununcountable. Mostly the people who died were from Bihar as migrant labours and these migrant labours just for the sake of fulfilling the needs of their family went to some other state. Somehow this pandemic came in control but another crisis arised which was the flood conditions. Best Politician Bhagalpur Half of the part of northern bihar is under heavy flood. People are dying and the sufferance is endless. Well, it is the duty of the politicans to deal with such situation. But for the people of bhagalp...