Best Politician Bhagalpur


Covid-19 has been a life changing experience for everyone of us. Last few months was no less than a worst nightmare. Everyone has gone through some real emotional trauma. In the mid of all this where everyone was fighting with their own personal problems, our respected deputy mayor came out as no one but an example for everyone of us.

This covid pandemic created a situation of havoc among everyone of us, people preferred to stay away from their own family, friends and relatives. But inspite of all this, our deputy mayor with all the necessary measures taken stood there for everyone. He helped everyone who was in need without even hesitating just for once. He did so much even what a senior politicians couldn’t do, that is why he is known to be the most dedicated youngest politician. He went places to places to distribute food and all the necessary aids.

 He even visited the medical hospitals just to inspect whether the covid patients are given proper treatment or not. Rajesh Verma Sir kept all the political agendas aside and tried to help everyone whole heartedly. Apart from the facilities provided to us by the central government during the pandemic situation he did so much of the work by himself. Distributing food, medicines,arranging beds, supplying oxygen cylinders and as a part of the municipal coporation checking on the cleanliness of the city ,he did it all. Dealing with such type of situation isn’t easy for a person with no political background, ye he was quite successful in doing all this work with great patience.

Rajesh Verma , Youngest Deputy Mayor , Yuva Neta , Bhagalpur ka Yuva


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